
Mountainous Arcadia, Peloponnese

Organic – Moschofilero, Roditis, Agiorgitiko, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Merlot


Short info

Owner: Carlo Maria Cerutti
Winemaker: Carlo assisted by Luigi Andreoli
Varietals planted: Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella, Molinara
Total acres: nearly 11 acres of vineyards (4.5 ha)
Soil: Tufaceus, clayey, calcareus
Winery production: 25.000 bottles


It is the property of Carlo Maria Cerutti, an enthusiastic grape cultivator that has restructured this 1400 structure, maintaining its original characteristics as much as possible. The property is located in Fumane (20 km north of Verona).

In 1600, the structure became property of an important family in Verona, who transformed it into a noble country residence.
A small producer of Amarone, Ripasso, Recioto: delicous warm sensuous wines (wines presentation here).

Since 1989, in view of the excellence of the products, they began to be marketed. All wines are aged in oak barrels, from 5 to 25 hl. The aging period varies: from 6-8 months for the Valpolicella Ripasso and up to 36 months for the most precious Amaroni.


Corteforte also preserves the tradition of an ancient Valpolicella wine, Recioto Amandorlato, considered the

father of Amarone, very pleasant for its balance, in the fusion between the sweetness of Recioto and the austerity of Amarone.

Since 2018, Corteforte is certified organic, as well as “SQNPI sustainable area” (National Quality System of Integrated Production) and is associated with FIVI – Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti. Corteforte’s commitment and passion for excellence have always been rewarded by national and international awards.

Awards - Recognitions

Awards and recognitions gathered over the years. For the full list click below.

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